On-line services

Ud'A on Line

Ud'A online is the dedicated virtual Administrative Office of ‘G. d'Annunzio’ University that allows students and teachers to enjoy a number of services available over the Internet.

Student Web Mail

To access the e-mail service for students.

Personnel Web Mail

Horde Service – dedicated to the Personnel


Shows the list of all the libraries of the University of Chieti and Pescara; Also available: catalogues, data bases and e-journals.


CURRICULA is the search engine implemented by the University to carry out the functions of operator of the labour market after accreditation by the Ministry of Labour which, from 2 January 2012, has authorised the enrolment in the IT register of employment agencies.

Student Help Desk

The Student Help Desk of the University provides information, explanations and help on how to access and use the online services.
The Student Help Desk can be contacted, during opening hours, via phone, chat, e-mail, fax, or by going directly in person to the offices located at the Rectorate at the University campus in Chieti.

For more information:

University antivirus

This page is aimed at all the University users that use the "sophos" solution, offered by the University, as antivirus software. However, all those who use any other antivirus products are invited to adopt “sophos”, since it is a reliable product and it is completely free for the users (the costs for "sophos" and its updates are supported, at central level, by the University).

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