Adoption of Laboratory animals

The Circular of the Italian Ministry of Health No. 6 of 14 May 2001, implementing Italian Legislative Decree No. 116 of 27 January 1992, regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes, ranks among the priority and indispensable objectives of the decree (for which extra attention is necessary by users of animals for research) the power conferred to the vet, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 4, to make the decision to keep the animals alive at the end of the testing, with consequent application of custody for adoption, in cases where the health of the animals allows it and when ‘requests for adoption by animal welfare organisations, private individuals or municipalities’ are received.

In this regard, we invite people interested in the adoption of animals used in biomedical research at the ‘G. D’Annunzio’ University of Chieti - Pescara and the University of Teramo to submit application to:

Segreteria CEISA
c/o Ce.S.I. Via L. Polacchi, 11
tel./ fax +39 0871 541318
e-mail: [email protected]